by Karen
The elephant in the room

Airavata is a white elephant with six trunks. He is formed of clouds, breath and air and carries Indra, god of reverberating thunder. It’s true, in some descriptions, Airavata has only 5 trunks and in Thailand, he has just 3 trunks each attached to its own head. In all cases, however, Airavata’s trunks represent states of perception. The trinity expressed as three, the physical senses expressed as five and as six, the five senses and the sixth sense, our intuition. One sense alone does not inform us to the nature of existence, just as one person does not hold all the knowledge. We sense and experience the physical and non-physical world in a symphony of reverberating sensations through the media of air, earth, water and fire. Only when each element is digested as a unified concert can one find wisdom.
What is Inner Wisdom?
Wisdom is not only the sensation of the physical elements of perception, but also the interpretation of those sensations as mediated through the filters of the intellect and the heart. A sound that is not perceived, does not exist. For each element, or combination of elements, an action in response, such as turning the head to hear better, or singing along is also part of the expression of the whole: element, perception, action. Each subtle stage in this trinity of element, perception, action aligned with each of the six senses is described as a principle of creation, or tattva, in Kashmir Shaivism. All combined there are a total of 34 distinct subtleties in the one expression of Paramashiva (God), divine Wisdom (for a full list see the Splendor of Recognition by Swami Shantananda).
So then inner wisdom arises from element, perception, and recognition of the six senses moderated in the communication of the heart and intellect. Perception is a mixture of the heart, or feeling nature, and the head, or intellectual nature. Expression is the intermediary. Knowing your life’s purpose and expressing it arises through this unified path. This means that the experience one has of physical reality is not external, but most definitely internal because there is no physical reality without perception of it. Physical reality is reflective of our ability to perceive it. Simply put, what we believe, we perceive.
Your Remedy is within you, but you do not sense it.
Ali ibn Abi Talib
Your Sickness is from you, but you do not perceive it.
You Presume you are a small entity,
But within you is enfolded the entire universe.
You are indeed the evident book,
By whose alphabet the hidden becomes the manifest.
Therefore, you have no need to look beyond yourself,
What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.
The universe is a mirror. Speaking is the same as listening. It reflects to us our own inner wisdom. In expression of this inner wisdom, we become a revealer of truth, listening and speaking the word of God indwelling.
Anything that occupies your mind in a way that feels good to you means you are in alignment with Source energy.
How to discover your Inner Wisdom
The Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, founded in 17th century England by George Fox and brought to the Americas at European colonization, recognize that all voices are the voice of the Spirit of God within, also called the inward light and the Light of Christ. In their meetings, called waiting worship, anyone who is moved to speak may stand, speak and be heard. All participants are equal in their access to and conveyance of divine knowledge.
Christ is come to teach His People himself, but as an outward figure but as Inward Light, …the True Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world
George Fox
Quakers listen deeply with ears turned inward to “the Guide” and they are willing to be led by that Guide. The Guide calls Quakers to speak and to act and they believe that each of us has the responsibility to become a minister and to minister in our own way to the community. The messages spoken in ministry at the waiting worship are not rehearsed, as would be a sermon, nor are they willed or coaxed but come only with clear mind, humility and surrender. In this way, Quaker spiritual practice is enlivened with Spirit and present with Divinity.
Quaker prayer is a turning inward to be in the presence of the Light, which is God, or Christ. The term, “Christ,” is a Greek word meaning “the anointed one,” as in being anointed in the presence of Divinity. Quaker Prayer is not just reserved for waiting worship on Sundays but is a part of the fabric of daily life.
In this lesson of thinking, feeling and willing, elephant is our guide. With long memory, intelligence and strength, the elephant removes all obstacles to understanding and embracing our own unique Divine truth. We can call on Lord Ganesha, the incarnation of these qualities to help.
Lesson overview
Science of Mind Principle: WE BELIEVE in the direct revelation of truth through our intuitive and spiritual nature, and that anyone may become a revealer of truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.
Lesson Affirmation: I know and express my truth

Energy Center: Throat Chakra
Animal Guide: Elephant
Deity: Lord Ganesha
Religion in focus: Quakerism

Activity 1: Tell a story of inner wisdom
The Blind Men and the Elephant
The ancient parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant originates from the Indian subcontinent. It is recorded as a Jataka tale, the parables of Lord Buddha; in Vedic oral storytelling and literature and in Jainism.
In this story, 6 blind men, representative of our 6 (sometimes warring) senses describe the prince’s elephant. The prince, our aligned inner wisdom and higher self, taking information from each of the senses, then describes the truth, the complete nature and Oneness of the elephant. This story also represents and illustrates the various human interpretations of the nature of reality. Read aloud together and discuss the poem by John Godfrey Saxe.
Reality is one, though wise men speak of it variously.
Rig Veda
Blind Men and the Elephant
A Poem by John Godfrey Saxe
It was six men of Indostan,
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.
The First approach’d the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
“God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!”
The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, -“Ho! what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me ’tis mighty clear,
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!”
The Third approach’d the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
“I see,” -quoth he- “the Elephant
Is very like a snake!”
The Fourth reached out an eager hand,
And felt about the knee:
“What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain,” -quoth he,-
“‘Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!”
The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said- “E’en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!”
The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Then, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
“I see,” -quoth he,- “the Elephant
Is very like a rope!”
And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!
So, oft in theologic wars
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean;
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!
The Princesses and the Kingshuk tree

Another great wisdom tale is The Princesses and the Kingshuk Tree from the book, Buddha at Bedtime by Dharmachari Nagaraja. This story is a reframing of the The Blind Men and the Elephant. With the help of the gardener, four sisters visit a magical tree. Each sister sees the tree differently. Only together, with the help of the gardener (inner wisdom/ higher self), do they perceive the truth.
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Anansi tries to steal the wisdom of the world
What happens to Anansi when he tries to keep all the wisdom for himself? Find this story and lesson in Wisdom is a shared experience and told by me below on YouTube.
Activity 2: Selfie play
Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habit.
Lao Tzu
For this activity, you will need a mirror, a bowl of water or reflective surface, like a camera on selfie mode. With your child, look at your reflection and play with the universe as a mirror concept by:

- smiling
- frowning
- pointing
- giving
- singing
- speaking
- listening
- receiving
- laughing
- crying
- shouting
Now take this deeper by looking at your image and saying words of love and approval. Say and listen to the words that make you feel great. It is fine to do this privately if necessary. You can also:
- Say the affirmation for today’s lesson, “I know and express my truth.’
- Record or take a video of your loving words to play and listen to later.
- Say the opening of the Loving Kindness metta meditation from the lesson on Warmth.
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I be safe
May my life be filled with ease
Know that the world mirrors back to you your thoughts, words and habits.
Find more mirroring play in Activity 5: Synchronous Play in Harmony.
Activity 3: Expressing your truth
The Universe, being reciprocal and responsive, relies on action. There really is truth to the notion of going out into the world to find myself (like Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son). The more you immerse in the quest of life, the more responsive it is to you, the more you are shown your soul’s purpose. Speaking and communicating, voicing your truth and listening to others is a wise practice.
Opening the throat chakra
The energy center housed in the throat lies between the heart and brain. To awaken it into action, to listening and speaking the truth of your being, start with a few simple exercises. These are great warm-ups to prepare for speaking in front of others:
- Neck roll- gently, reverently and with great kindness and attention, move and warm up the neck. Look over your right shoulder, then your left, and back again. Next, roll your neck by using your chin to draw a circle from the right shoulder, down the chest, and rising again to the left shoulder. Continue the circle into the air around until you meet again the right shoulder. Switch directions. Complete this circle a few times in each direction.
- Lion’s breath- With hands and knees on the floor, open the mouth and extend the tongue as you breath out loudly the word “Haaaaa.”
- Singing and chanting– see Activity 6
Embark on your quest

Follow along with animal friends on this adventurous quest In search of the light by Leonard Jacobson. See where and how these four friends are led along the way and how mistakes are helpful allies in our search for our soul’s purpose.
Your life is that very quest. Trust that it is already leading you and showing you what you need to fulfill your purpose. Follow your passions without hesitation.
Your inner Being never feels regret about anything you’ve ever lived, and when you do, you are off course.
Trust in your word and let your life speak, Quaker-style
Now that you have found your light, let it shine. Truth (light) when it is experienced, or the “true” divine voice, is that part of us that is naturally drawn toward good, toward God. Thus, in listening for truth, our lives begin to speak by their example.

Truth comes from within. It is the basis for daily life, like the food we eat.
George Fox
Taking the advice of Quakers, we recognize that in a family, in a community, we are then surrounded by living Spirit. In this living, breathing ministry that is our daily existence, divine voice arises from anyone, including ourselves. We can trust in this.
Important side note: Incredibly, George Fox, the founder of Quakerism, was only 11 years old when he had this realization. So, yes, kids understand and willingly embrace the notion of letting your life speak.
When I came to eleven years of age, I knew pureness and righteousness; for, while I was a child, I was taught how to walk to be kept pure. The Lord taught me to be faithful, in all things, and to act faithfully two ways; viz., inwardly to God, and outwardly to man.
George Fox
Activity 4: Meeting your animal spirit guide, a meditation for kids
This meditation for kids is adapted from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. When you have finished the meditation, take a few minutes to share, draw or write down your experiences and messages.

Find a comfortable posture, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and relax. Let go of the wiggles for now. You may pick them up again later. To help relax, let’s take three deep breaths.
Breath in and breath out.
Breath in and breath out.
Breath in and breath out.
We are going on a journey to meet your animal spirit guide. First let us take along a trusted friend and ally. Only you know who that is. It could be a pet that lives with you, or the stuffed animal you sleep with every night. Take a moment to call them to you silently now.
In order to meet your guide we must be brave. We must be patient. Above all else, though we must be open, aware and listening. Let’s begin. With your companion, see yourself walking along a path. You know this path well and you know where you are going. Up ahead is a cave. The entrance is overgrown with vines. Not many people know about this cave, but you have seen it many times in your dreams. As you come up to the cave, you hear the crunch of dried leaves under your feet. Slowly and carefully you move aside the vines. You move through them and into the mouth of the cave. The vines close again behind you like a curtain, cutting off a lot of the light from outside. Even though it is very dark and the space is small, you do not feel scared in the least. Your companion is with you to reassure you. You pet your companion and they respond happily. You feel excited and reach out to touch the smooth walls of the cave. You smell the damp smells of the Earth and world underground and you step further into the cave.
You know this cave is a tunnel and you are prepared with a flashlight in you pocket. So you feel secure leaving the light from the entrance behind you. The floor of the cave is firm and dry. The silence is strong around you compared to the world outside. After just a few steps, you see a pin prick of light ahead of you. You turn and walk slowly toward it now.

The light grows stronger and you can see clearly again the outlines of the cave- the roof and the floor. You begin the hear the faint sound of birds up ahead. Soon you are stepping outside of the cave with your companion. Before you is a bright and sunny meadow, so bright and colorful after the darkness of the cave. It smells of flowers and air and light. You walk out of the cave and into the meadow. A sense of peace and tranquility settles into you. You know you’ve entered a magical place. All around is meadow with large sky above. Far off you see woods edging the meadow.
You sense before you see anything, a form coming closer. You do not feel scared by this, but the opposite, the closer it approaches the stronger and more brave you feel. You slowly move your head in the direction you sensed its approach and you see a far off form coming closer. You continue to watch it getting closer and closer and clearer and clearer. It is your spirit animal guide. Your heart beats with anticipation, eagerness and joy. You can see clearly now. You see its color, shape, the way the light moves around it as it moves, you hear the sounds it makes.
Your spirit guide stands now before you. It speaks directly into your heart without moving its mouth. You listen with a listening from deep in your soul, with ears from your very heart. You listen from your eyes to its movements. You are gifted images in your mind. Look into its eyes. Hear it now.
Now your animal guide is finished speaking. You say thank you and show your gratitude by shining the love from your heart in return. You ask that it send you messages in the next few days, signs for your meeting to assure you of this connection. You tell it you will look for signs. You ask to meet again soon.
Gently you touch each other in parting and you with your faithful companion move back to the cave. You walk through the cave again. It is so familiar to you now, you can move with your eyes closed. Before long you are back on the other side at the wall of vines. You part the vines and move back onto the path. You hear once again your footfalls crunching beneath you on the path. You feel a powerful sense of connection to your spirit guide and you know that you can return at anytime to the meadow.
Now take three deep breaths.
Breath in and breath out.
Breath in and breath out.
Breath in and breath out.
When you are ready wiggle you fingers and toes and return to the room.
Activity 5: Heart listening

This meditation is good at bedtime, especially when the mind is very active and unsettled. It is inspired by the centering down technique of listening of the Quakers.
Lying in a dark room, let your body relax. Allow you eyes to go inward focusing inside upon your heart. Now turn your ears inward and listen to your heart. You may hear the sound it makes, but what you are really listening for is the feelings. The heart speaks very softly, so in order to hear it well we must quiet the brain. The brain likes to be busy, and it is very helpful and useful, but now it is time for thinking to rest. If we notice the brain thinking, gently and sweetly remind it to take its rest from work. Let it know you will be using it tomorrow again, so it can take a break now.
Focus again on the heart. Keep the eyes and ears focused inwardly, centering down into the heart space. Relax. Breath. Feel the chest rising and falling. As your attention remains focused on the heart, you may notice a feeling or sensation of expansion. This begins in the body, but quickly moves out and beyond the body. You may even feel you are moving outside of your body. Stay with this sensation or with any other feelings that arise. Do not feel that you have to label or describe the feelings, just be in the experience. Sit with this feeling as long as you like and enjoy the sensations. It’s just fine if you also fall asleep.
If you enjoyed this practice, take the opportunity to listen into your heart often. It is always ready to talk to you.
Activity 6: Singing and chanting
Singing is a great way to stimulate the throat chakra and the thyroid (responsible for production of hormones related to growth and maturation). As we learned from the lesson on Harmony, repetitive chanting is physically foundational creating strong bonded bones and teeth. So why wait? Sing and chant with your kids often.
Om So Ham
The chant Om So Ham contains the seed sound Ham that stimulates the throat chakra. It means “I am that.”
Om Gam Ganapate Namaha
Ganesha is the remover of obstacles. This chant invokes that quality to come forward.
Om gam ganapataye namaha (3x)
Om gam ganapataye namaha sharanam ganesha (4x)
Om gam ganapataye namaha sharanam sharanam
Om gam ganapataye namaha sharanam ganesha sharanam ganesha
Om gam ganapataye namaha sharanam ganesha (4x)
om gam ganapataye namaha sharanam, sharanam
om gam ganapataye namaha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha sharanam Ganesha
ganapaty, ganapaty, ganapataye ganapataye ganapaty, ganapaty, ganapataye ganapataye ..
Greetings and salutations to Ganesha, remover of obstacles
Activity 7: Affirmative Prayer for Inner Wisdom
There is only One.
One powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing Universal Intelligence.
This One is God.
This One is being me now.
God is my thought, my feelings, my voice.
God is all I see, feel and experience, both physical and imaginary.
I am always and forever immersed in God, inseparable.
When I feel, this is God feeling.
When I think, this is God thinking.
When I listen, I am listening to God speak to me.
God feels good.
God is like light and air and freedom.
The voice of God never feels like fear, or anger, or hatred.
When I give voice to my experience, this is God.
I trust my my own unique voice.
I trust myself.
I know and speak my truth.
My truth is my inner wisdom and this too is God in me, as me, is me.
I am surrounded by loving reflections of this truth in people, animals and the environment.
Thank you, God.
And so it is.
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Image credits
Elephant mobile adonyig
Airavata Siamese_Royal_Standard
Girl looking in mirror stine moe engelsrud
George Fox
Cave Peter H
boy meditating Daniel Kirsch