Listed here are the books and links I mention in posts or otherwise recommend. To view where I use these titles in context of the posts, simply type the title into the Search feature at the top of the page.
Special Note during COVID: Books are now available free from the National Emergency Library. The National Emergency Library is a collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation while universities, schools, training centers, and libraries are closed.
Kids Books
- Bang, Molly When Sophie Gets Angry
- Baylor, Byrd. Everybody Needs a Rock
- Baylor, Byrd. The Other Way to Listen
- Baylor, Byrd. The Way to Start the Day
- Bierhorst, John (ed), Lightening Inside You and other Native American Riddles
- Bruchac, James and Joseph Bruchac. The Girl who Helped Thunder and other Native American Tales
- Connor, Sarah, Kindness:Â A Treasury of Buddhist Wisdom for Children and Parents
- d’Aulaires, Ingri and Edgar. East of the Sun and West of the Moon
- Evslin, Bernard. The Green Hero: Early Adventures of Finn McCool
- Garcia, Gabi, Listening to my Body
- Garth, Maureen, Moonbeam: A Book of Meditations for Children
- Gates, Mariam Breathe with Me: Using Breath to Feel Strong, Calm, and Happy
- Gerstein, Mordecai. The Mountains of Tibet
- Grimms. The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First Edition
- Hausman, Gerald, The Story of Blue Elk
- Hicks, Ester and Jerry. Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction (3 volumes)
- Hoopmann, Kathy. All Birds Have Anxiety
- Hoopmann, Kathy. All Dogs Have ADHD
- Itoh, Mamoru, I want to tell you about my feelings
- Karst, Patrice. The Smile that Went Around the World
- Katie, Byron. The Four Questions: For Henny Penny and Anybody with Stressful Thoughts
- Katie, Byron, Tiger, Tiger, is it True?
- Kurtis, Chara M., All I See is Part of Me
- Lewis, Richard, All of You was Singing
- Lite, Lori and illustrated by Max Stasuyk, Sea Otter Cove: A Relaxation Story
- Martin, Rafe, The Brave Little Parrot
- Martin, Rafe, Rough-faced Girl
- Muth, John J. Zen Shorts
- Nagaraja, Dharmachanri. Buddha at Bedtime
- Reibstein, Mark, Wabi Sabi
- San Souci, Robert D, The Talking Eggs
- Silverstein, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends
- Spillane, Lisa, Six Healing Sounds: Qi Gong for Children
- Stagnaro, Janaka. Silent Ripples: Parables for the Soul
- Stickney, Doris, Waterbugs and Dragonflies: explaining death the young children
- Vishnusharman. The Panchatantra
- Walsch, Neale Donald, The Little Soul and the Sun
Books for teaching and parenting
- Brody, Ed, Jay Goldspinner, Katie Green, Rona Leventhal and John Porcino (eds) (The Stories for World Change Network), Spinning Tales, Weaving Hope: stories, storytelling and activities for peace, justice and the environment
- Brown, Stuart and Christopher Vaughan. Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul
- Buhner, Stephen Harrod. The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature
- Chopra, Deepak. The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents
- Chopra, Deepak. I am the Universe
- Crawford, Catherine. The Highly Intuitive Child: A Guide to Understanding and Parenting Unusually Sensitive and Empathic Children
- Devanand, Vishnu. Meditation and Mantras: An Authoritative Text
- Gay, Ross. A Book of Delights
- Hanh, Thich Nhat. A Handful of Quiet: Happiness in Four Pebbles
- Hanh, Thich Nhat. Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life
- Holmes, Ernest. How to give Spiritual Mind Treatment
- Holmes, Ernest. The Science of Mind
- Hyman Tchana, Katrin. Changing Woman and Her Sisters
- Kavelin Popov, Linda. The Family Virtues Guide
- Kennerk, Neal and Jennifer, Out of the Garden and Into the Desert: the nine-year change through the stories of the third grade curriculum
- Ker, Ruth (ed). You’re Not the Boss of Me: Understanding the Six/Seven Year Transformation
- Kohn, Alfie. Punished by Rewards.
- Mellon, Nancy. Healing Storytelling
- Mellon, Nancy. Storytelling with Children
- Moore, Robin, Awakening the Hidden Storyteller: how to build a storytelling tradition in your family
- Perrow, Susan, Healing Stories for Challenging Behavior
- Perrow, Susan, Therapeutic Storytelling:101 Healing Stories for Children
- Richo, David. How to be an Adult in Relationships.
- Roche, Lorin. The Radiance Sutras
- Swami Shantananda and Peggy Bendet. The Splendor of Recognition: An Exploration of the Pratyabhijna-hrdayam, a Text on the Ancient Science of the Soul
- Steiner, Rudolf. Prayers for Parents and Children
- Troward, Thomas. Edinburgh and Dore Lectures on Mental Science
- Walker, Cami. 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life
- Walsch, Neale Donald. Conversations with God
- Zala, Nancy. The Joy of Affirmative Prayer
Web Links
- Children Beyond Foundation
- National Storytelling Alliance
- Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo: An Introductory Comparison by Seth T. Miller. Spirit Alchemy
- The Six-Year Transformation by Michelle Brightwater, The Magic Onions
- The Stages of Life according to Rudolf Steiner by Thomas Armstrong. American Institute for Learning and Human Development
- Storynory.com
- Our Artistic Classroom
- Tinkergarten DIY Activities for kids