I am pleased to provide space to share the wisdom of these amazing teachers as contributing writers.
Nancy Mellon
Nancy Mellon counsels adults who seek new perspectives and greater well-being in their personal, family and professional lives. Applying a broad variety of healing modalities, she specializes in life coaching, family and generational dynamics, and health concerns. She also offers keynotes and workshops, mentors educators, and facilitates small and large writing and other creative and transformative projects.
You are invited to re-envision your own life’s story and to receive the spiritual empowerment that comes from more fully communing with your truth. If you would like to schedule an appointment, in person or online, or for more information, visit Nancy’s website http://www.healingstory.com/.
Healing Storytelling, a new edition of Storytelling and the Art of Imagination, by Nancy Mellon is now available from Hawthorn Press UK and internationally from your local bookstores!!
‘I am a convener of listening circles, and a tender of plot lines. I help people to find their way through dark woods and briar patches to new freedom and well-being.’ – Nancy Mellon
In addition to her private practice, Nancy teaches widely in the US and abroad, following the path of storytelling deep into physiological processes and the natural worlds, and pioneering new awareness of the relationship between language, imagination and well-being.

Nancy is the author of the following articles:
Janaka Stagnaro
Janaka Stagnaro is a Waldorf teacher, author, poet, artist and storyteller. Janaka has written 5 books for adults, 1 youth and older book, and 3 children books. He also leads workshops and guides individuals in their personal growth.
Visit Janaka at his on his website, Amazon, Pinterest, Saatchi Art, or Facebook to see a complete works of paintings, books, meditations, and other current offerings.
Janaka says of his journey: “It was not until hiking alone in Nepal, after a few years living in Africa with the Peace Corps, that I lost my identity with my mind. I was felled with a Mighty Stroke of Love. I became absorbed by this Loving Force. When it passed nothing mattered more than regaining that state. I now had a purpose–to BE THAT. Eventually my path led me to many countries and to many teachers. Yet I must say that ‘A Course in Miracles’ and connecting with the Christ, then to the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, have helped me to go or become aware of that State beyond the mind. Then, years later, Rudolf Steiner’s teachings of Anthroposophy and becoming a Waldorf teacher assisted in integrating my Awareness into the world of forms.
“Today, after over 20 years of a conscious Process, I think I may say that I am feeling at home in the world and that I no longer am running from it. I find much joy in working on this amazing planet, bringing some good to it, and reveling in playing at the arts and finding pleasure in seeking the Truth. Not out of making me someone more worthy, but out of freedom because all this is what my Soul wants me to do.
“If I must define myself I must say that I am a Divine Being, due to my Intrinsic Nature in God, working at the art of becoming a Human Being and with all the struggles that entails.”
Janaka is the author of the following stories:
Dr. Bill Little

Dr. Bill Little is the Spiritual Director of the Center for Spiritual Awakening.
Dr. Bill was educated at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, where he obtained a PhD. in Molecular Physics in 1969. Immediately afterward, he served in the U.S. Navy at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, as a teacher of mathematics and physics. After he was released from active duty he chose to further his study of metaphysics, which led to a ministerial degree from Religious Science International (RSI) in 1975. His teachers included Dr. Raymond Charles Barker of the New York City Church of Religious Science and Dr. Tom Johnson of the Morristown, New Jersey, church.
In 1974, he took over the leadership of the Church of Religious Science in Plainfield, New Jersey. In 1976, he was called to be a minister of the Monterey, California, Church of Religious Science. Dr. Bill served there almost 12 years, obtaining his doctorate in Religious Science in 1986 from RSI.
When asked what he most enjoys about being the Director of the Center for Spiritual Awakening, Dr. Bill replied, “… seeing what Yogananda called ‘the smile of God on people’s faces’ as they catch glimpses of who they really are.’
Dr. Bill is a contributing author for the post What is Science of Mind?