The Curriculum
About Karen
Consultation and Treatment Services
Where to Practice
Affiliate Links and Advertising
A Note on Punctuation
The Curriculum
Science of Mind Child contains explorations you can do with your children at home. This program is rooted in Science of Mind blended harmoniously with Waldorf spirituality and child development, where Ernest Holmes meets Rudolf Steiner. It incorporates rhythm and ritual progressing through a lesson with prana, in-breaths and out-breaths. It nourishes a child’s developing spiritual awareness and understanding through a class structured with mindful attention to thinking, feeling, and willing. Core elements are circle, singing and affirmative prayer, followed by share and story, then closing with movement and/or craft integration. I believe adults act as guides or mentors to hold safe the children as they realize and embody their own unique Spirit selves and learn to act respectfully and mindfully toward others doing the same.
Life, all life
began without words
Life is made – and no one owns it.
The Tao is generous and graceful in what it does
Without ever claiming merit
And the sage’s greatness lies in taking no credit
Tao Te Ching
About Karen

The ideas presented here, although compiled by me, are not mine but come from the collective teachings of the Universe. They are gathered from Mother Earth, from stories and books- ancient and modern, from the masters and mentors I have known, from my friends and my most constant spiritual guides, my children, my husband and the Inner Self. I find that I am surrounded by teachers and each moment is replete with holy learning. I need not seek it, for it surrounds me and permeates my Life. I am grateful to you. This platform and your receiving of this writing is a teaching to me.
My teaching approach is mostly animistic, Earth-based, and modeled after Waldorf. I was raised Christian in the Lutheran tradition, the daughter of a Botanist and Soil Scientist and given the gift of scientist parents who were pious and believed in both creation and evolution. With Jewish friends and mothers in childhood, marrying into Islam, practicing Siddha Yoga and also studying Buddhism, I sprinkle Jesus, Mohammed and Arjuna into many of my lessons. My kids chant in Sanskrit and also perform Salah. I am a big fan of prayer, mantra and meditation for kids. I am a Minister of Religious Science. I have been teaching children about spirituality since 2008. My intention as a teacher is for each child to feel heard, to feel safe, to feel and recognize their own unique Spirit Self and to realize how important their gift is to the Universe.
Most of all, I am a storyteller and believe in the power of story to connect, transform and transmute. My favorite story of all time is Zen tale of Chundaka, the broom master, and I strive above all for simplicity in teaching. I learn best from children’s books. My message- God is all and God is also being me.
May the practices offered here enrich and support you and your family’s spiritual life.
Consultation and Treatment Services
For individualized treatment requests, please see the Treatment Request Form. I offer free 30-minute introductory consultation with ongoing consultation rates at $100/session.
Where to practice
The Center for Spiritual Awakening, 522 Central Ave., Pacific Grove, CA. To find out more about Center for Spiritual Awakening, please visit the website at
This blog content supports the continuation of this work, teaching and my ministry and livelihood. I hope you’ll be inspired by it, and would be honored if you would like to link to us or use these lesson ideas to educate. Reposting of this material should be attributed to Science of Mind Child. Please do not repost or reproduce content or images from this site without permission.
Everything here is intended for non-commercial use only.
Science of Mind Child Copyright © 2017-2021. All Rights Reserved.
Affiliate Links, Supporting, Sponsoring and Advertising
I welcome advertising from sites and sources that align with Science of Mind Child. There are no affiliate links on this website.
Consider sponsoring or advertising with SOM child, by post or by click. Email for a quote or propose a trade, info *at*
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A note on punctuation
I sprinkle capitalization liberally into my writing to distinguish words that are rooted in Divinity, or otherwise impregnated with sacred meaning, such as self and Self, or share and Share.
Contact me at info *at* or scienceofmindchild *at* or fill out the Treatment Request Form.