The Law of Mind
It will be apparent by now that the Creative Medium of Spirit is the great Mental Law of the Universe. It is the Law obeying the Will of the Spirit. It is the Universal Law of Mind. All law is Mind in action.
Ernest Holmes
Let me tell you about my school!
I introduce Law of Mind to children as a superpower, a superpower that even some grown ups do not realize they have. Children because they are still immersed in the fabric of their spiritual selves recognize that they possess these special qualities. It is still part of their daily play. They understand, embrace and embody the images and stories of heroes and superheroes. They still have knowing of their spidey senses and their powers of invisibility and flight. They know they can change a stop light from red to green at will. They know that the world revolves around them, their ideas and their imagination. Like Elsa in Frozen, it is also easy for them to feel that there are powers out of their control. They may even feel that they are misfits and not understood by those around them. There outer experience does not match with the Being they know themselves to be. I love the name of the movie, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, for we all feel peculiar in this life when we experience this mismatch of Selves, or as Abraham would say, a mismatch in vibrations. Like a student of Miss Peregrine or Charles Xavier (X-men), we too may learn to come into alignment with our power, our Inner Self, to experience non-duality and total self-acceptance and to understand our soul’s purpose. We do this through the Law of Mind.
Ernest Holmes explains that the Law of Mind is a law like the Law of Gravity. It acts on what is, without regard for what should be. Unlike the Law of Gravity, however, the Law of Mind is Universal and not restricted to planetary masses.
Begin simply by introducing the power of words and thoughts.
The power of words
Close your eyes and say in your mind the word “HATE.” Feel where it is in your body. Notice your breath – is it fast or slow, tight, shallow or deep. Does it have a color? What color and where is it? Now take a deep breath and let the word go, pushing it out of your mouth with a “haaaawwww” sound and into the air. Open your eyes.
Close your eyes again and say in your mind the word “LOVE.” Feel where it is in your body. Notice your breath – is it fast or slow, shallow or deep. Does it have a color? What color and where is it? Keep the feeling of love and open your eyes.
Now reflect upon and share your observations. Do words have power? Indeed they do and like Elsa we need to learn how to use our powers wisely and with great love. This takes great courage and strength of will.
The power of thought
One realizes with complete consciousness that feelings and thoughts are veritable realities, just as much as are tables and chairs in the world of the physical senses. Feelings and thoughts act upon each other in the astral-world and in the physical world. As long as anyone is not truly permeated with this realization, he will not believe that an evil thought projected from his mind may have as devastating an effect upon other thought forms as that wrought upon physical objects by a bullet shot at random.
Rudolf Steiner, The Way of Initiation
Exercise from The Work by Byron Katie:
Think of a time, a morning perhaps that you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing went right for you. You stubbed your toe, your breakfast fell on the floor, you got in a fight and no one wanted to play with you at school. Share about this experience. A child might share that nobody likes her after not finding someone to play with.
The statement:
“Nobody likes me”
Let’s find out if that is true using the 4 questions from The Work
First ask, is it true that nobody likes you?
Are you absolutely sure that it is true that NOBODY likes you?
How do you feel or react, what do you do when you have the thought that NOBODY likes you?
How would you feel without the thought that nobody likes you?
Reflect on how the power of the thought that NOBODY likes you caused you feel and react. Also be sure to emphasize where that thought was created.
For this exercise, the children’s book, Tiger, Tiger, is it True? by Byron Katie is a great resource.
Engaging your superpower
There are numerous ways to engage the Law of Mind, to use the power of words and power of thoughts when coupled with imagination and will to manifest reality. I will share two exercises here and also in future posts.
Spiritual Mind Treatment/Affirmative Prayer/Affirmations
Exercise~ We recognize we are one with the Source and as we say and believe it is done. In our statement or affirmation of faith we give voice to our desires then release them to the Law. See Guide to Treatment for Kids.
Jesus engaged the Law of Mind simply in the healing of two blind men:
When Jesus had gone indoors, the two blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I can heal you?” “yes, sir!” they answered. Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, “Let it happen, then, just as you believe!”
Matthew 9:28-29
Using the Law of Attraction
Exercise~ Abraham offers a shortened version of Spiritual Mind Treatment. Simply to match your vibration with the desired outcome. Come to a feeling place of happiness and contentment and hold that vision. Your feeling will align with this vision. It is helpful to make lists of the places or times when you had this feeling to use a touchstones for manifesting. The Universe will attract to you your desire.
Using your superpower to become a superhero
Man had now discovered that he could help and heal himself and others by think- ing into some kind of Universal Law of Mind. He found that, like all other forces of nature, it was a great Impersonal Law and could be consciously used whenever he wished to use It and that the use of It was through right thinking. He realized that the time must come when the race would be healed by knowing the Truth about itself. But because the Law was mental it could only work for those who believed in It, and since many did not believe, the thing to do was to heal himself and others who wished to be healed, waiting for the rest for the world to realize the fact.
Ernest Holmes